All About Baby Diaper Rash

Time: 12 min read

Diaper Rash in babies – Causes, Precautions and Treatment

Many health and skin problems in babies are common in hot and humid weather. Mainly because of the virus and bacteria growing in multiples in the atmosphere in such weather conditions. The immune system of the newborn and toddlers is developing. Therefore more easily attacked by infectious diseases with sudden changes in the weather. Even the paediatricians believe that these are the reasons for diaper rash in babies.

My previous article on taking care of the babies from the prickly heat rash is a great success. Thanksgiving the parents for showing immense interest and support in other articles too. Requested by parents to share must-follow tips and treatment on diaper rash in babies. Therefore, coming up with another much needed and seasonal topic “ Diaper Rash”. Diaper rash is one major skin problem witnesses in babies in humid weather. Diaper rash is mostly seen in newborn, infants and toddlers because their skin is sensitive. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your babies from diaper rash problem.

Being a new mother to witness suddenly bright red skin all over the diaper area of the baby is shocking and disturbing. But luckily I have seen my nephew growing and therefore could recognise the problem in its early phase. I took a deep breath and immediately came into action and start treating the problem. Still, many questions arise in my mind centring diaper rash. These questions are common to hit every parent, especially during the hot and humid atmosphere. Therefore with a thought to help other new mothers, sharing personal experiences from recognizing the diaper rash in the baby until its treatment. My baby has experienced diaper rash when he was 4 months old. It was a very uncomfortable phase for him. But he recovered soon in 5-7 days taking the treatment as discussed below.

  1. What is diaper rash? or what does a baby diaper rash looks like?

Diaper rash is also commonly known as yeast Candida. Yeast is a type of fungal infection that grows and lengthen a larger area of the skin quickly. Diaper rash is bright red inflamed skin type all around the diaper area of the baby. The skin initially seems red and more tendered over the affected area. In a day or so the redness turns into deep red and pink patches. Even the skin starts bleeding and is very painful for the baby to bear the problem. Diaper rash mostly affects the buttocks, thighs and genital parts of the body.


  1. What are the causes of diaper rash in babies?

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

During the time my baby was suffering from diaper rash I learnt many reasons for the problem to built up babies. The thing is we mothers have to be careful enough to judge the beginning of the painful diaper rash. Then thoughtfully consider their would-be reason. This helps in treating the rashes early and in the best possible manner.

The causes of diaper rash are as follows:

  • Use of diaper for a long duration

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

We mothers prefer to use diapers for our newborns and infants in routine. Because they urinate and poop many times a day. The thought behind the use of diaper is keeping the baby dry and maintaining hygiene. But the reality is far different. If we go with the advice of paediatricians also the use of diapers for long duration is not good for the health of the babies. Because this not allow the skin to breathe. Air helps in keeping the skin hydrated and rejuvenated. We generally use diaper immediately after wiping the buttocks or genitals of the baby. This prevents the skin to dry and breathe.

Even the elastic of the diaper on the waist and lining of the legs irritates the skin of the baby. It gets red or pale pink over hours of continuous use and thereby, resulting in rashes.

  • Use of bad quality disposable diaper

It is very necessary to use good quality disposable diapers for the baby. Because the diaper comes in direct contact with skin and genital parts of the baby. Bad quality diapers are having chemicals which are harmful to skin, nervous system and kidneys. On urination by the baby, the skin remains in contact with the germs until changed. This can be very harmful to the health of the baby. Therefore, recommended buying branded diapers for the babies.

Since from my baby birth, I am using pampers premium disposable diapers. Preferring the premium version because it has got a signal line. The feature on single turns the line on the front of the diaper blue even on one urination. This signals that the baby has urinated and alarmed parents to change the diaper.

  • DiarrhoeaCauses, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

During the monsoon season with the increased fungus and bacteria in the atmosphere, diarrhoea in babies is common. In diarrhoea, baby urinates and potty many times in a day. Therefore, the sensitive skin of the baby is easy to get infected due to remains of urination and potty on the skin or diaper or nappies.

Cleaning the skin many times also gives rashes on the soft skin of the baby.

  • Allergy from diapers and wipes

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

Baby’s skin is very gentle and soft that sometimes it gets irritated with excessive use of diapers and wipes. The diapers and wipes are touched with the baby’s skin many times. Bad quality wipes possess chemicals and preservatives resulting in skin infection or allergy. Sometimes the use of new quality wipes or diapers also reacts into skin allergy in babies. I am using Chicco soft cleansing wipes since the beginning. They are free from alcohol, preservatives and colour. They are dermatologically tested and safe for the baby’s skin.

Rashes around the thighs, waist and bottom are suffered because of using tight or wrong sized diapers.

  • Feeding of new solids

Rashes are possible due to allergic reaction by some of the new solid foods which your baby feeds. The colour and texture of the potty changes when introducing solids. Sometimes even the bottom of the baby feels irritated with few solids. This is judged by monitoring the routine of the baby when feeding. The paediatricians also recommend observing the stool consistency, colour and any abnormal reaction on introducing food to the babies.

You may notice some skin irritation, itching, redness, red bumps or rashes anywhere on the body after feeding new food. These signs of allergy might be visible instantly or in a day or more. Possibly allergy on any other part of the body extends to the diaper area as well.

  • Excessive sweating of the skin

When the baby sweat more, the excess sweat gets accumulated in the layers of the skin. Due to which the sweat glands get overburdened. Resulting in blocking of the sweat ducts. This accumulated sweat emerge as many skin problems. Irritable red rashes around the diaper area is liking to emerge as well.

  • High Humidity in the weather

During the monsoon season, the weather is hot and humid. Humidity prevents the sweat from drying for a long time. Moreover, the use of diaper restricts the skin to come in contact with the air. Air is necessary to dry the sweat and keep skin healthy.

  1. Is diaper rash painful for babies?

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

Usually, diaper rash happens all of a sudden and increase quickly. But initially diaper rash is not painful for the babies. If the rashes are not treated early then turns painful and discomforting for the babies. This situation is called a severe diaper rash problem. Diaper rash gives itching, irritation, burning sensation and pain to the skin when rubbed with the diaper many times. Even the skin starts to decolour as the days pass by. The radius of the rashes increases day by day. The red and pink patches enlarge and so is the irritation of the baby.

Diaper rash is a matter of concern for parents. Because newborns and infants are mostly seen suffering from these rashes. The skin of the newborn is soft and sensitive. You may notice continuous crying of the baby when urinating or pooping. Even at night these painful rashes irritates the baby and make them restless for hours. Babies feel discomfort but small enough to react to their pain. Diaper rash may increase to skin allergy if not taken care immediately. Therefore, making it necessary for parents to act precautionary to avoid or reduce the discomfort to the babies from the rashes.

  1. When to consult a paediatrician for diaper rash? Or When should you take your baby to the doctor for diaper rash?

It is advisable to treat diaper rash in its initial days using home remedies. Being a major skin problem for babies start treating it as soon as it is evident. This is very important for a quick healing from painful rashes. It is a myth that diaper rash vanishes in 24 hours or so. Because diaper rash is a form of fungal infection of the skin. It is a known fact that any skin infection or allergy takes its own good time to heal and disappears completely.

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

Therefore generally, diaper rash starts to heal in 4 to 5 days and disappears completely in a week or so. If you notice that there is no relief to the baby from the rashes in the appropriate time, it is better to visit the paediatrician foremost.

  1. What are must-have precautions or preventions from diaper rash?

We parents are always seen concerned with the health of our children. Changing weather conditions are tough times for our babies. Because of developing immune system of their body. As I always say in my posts that ”prevention is better than cure”. Therefore, even before the start of the summer season, you should follow some necessary precautions to prevent diaper rash in babies.

Below are eight must-have precautions from diaper rash problem in your babies:

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

  • Use of good quality diaper

A good quality diaper is needed for healthy skin and a comfortable fit. They have good soaking power and prevents wetness around the diaper area of the baby.

It is common to see that parents resist changing the diaper until filled. Considering that the baby is dry and comfortable. But the basic rule to use diaper says that change it as soon as it is filled even on single urination. The diaper maintains contact with the skin of the baby. It has got chemicals and preservatives that are a good reason for rashes to emerge easily.Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

As discussed earlier in the article, I am using the premium range of Pampers disposable diapers. I am completely satisfied and happy with the product. The reasons to use a premium range of Pampers are that it is soft on the baby’s skin, filled with aloe vera lotion and indicates wetness by turning the yellow line to blue to change the diaper. Most importantly they are derma tested. I found it the best diaper for baby’s skin so far despite using other brands. These diapers are much expensive than other varieties of diapers from the same brand.

It is recommended to use Premium Pampers diapers for newborns because they urinate and potty frequently. The wetness indicator helps the mothers to change the diaper when filled. This keeps the baby dry and reduces the chances of rashes.

As the baby grows you may use other varieties of diapers even if not having the wetness indicator. Because then the baby urinates and potty at some interval. This will also not burden your pocket.

  • Choose the right-sized diaper

Make sure that you choose the diaper that is loose from the waist and legs of the baby. The tightly fitted diapers are harsh on the soft skin of the baby. With prolonged use of wrong sized diaper, red marks on the skin of the skin are visible soon. This enhances the chance of suffering from diaper rash.

  • Let the skin dry and breathe

In summers, it is necessary to let the skin around the diaper area to dry. It is preferred to use soft and loose cotton nappies. It helps the skin to maintain contact with air and breathe properly. For newborns and infants, it is best to use cotton nappies for a longer period in the day.  Because their skin is sensitive to get infected easily. Change their nappy as soon as the baby urinates. Also, ensure to wipe off the remains of urine from the skin. This is important to minimise the chances of rashes due to wetness and infection. At the same time use a bed protector to protect the baby from remaining wet for a longer time. Toddlers do not urinate as frequently as a newborn. Therefore, it is good to use nappy for more hours in a day.

In winters it is safe to use diapers as far as diaper rash is concerned. Because chances of having rashes due to longer use of diaper are minimal.

  • Use clean cotton nappy

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020For newborns use nappies that are washed from disinfectant. Ensure to soak the nappies in disinfectant for 30 mins or so. This removes the bacteria that must have emerged in the cloth. Disinfectant clean nappy is hygienically safe for baby’s skin and prevents other skin problems. Recommended by the paediatricians as well to use disinfectant clean nappies if not for toddlers but infants upto 10 months age.

  • Maintain hygiene of baby’s genital parts

It is necessary to maintain cleanliness and hygiene of the baby’s genital parts, especially in diarrhoea. In diarrhoea the number of times the baby urinates and potty increases. The chances of leaving the urination or potty sticking to the skin are common. The rashes are more liking to emerge without proper cleaning of the baby. Preferably use good quality wipes or cotton cloth to wipe off the area around the diaper properly.

  • Apply 3-day rule while introducing new solids

Introducing new food possibly a reason for diaper rash. Therefore, apply 3-day rule when starting with solids in your baby’s diet. As per the rule feed the new solid food to the baby for continuous three days. Because any side effect of introducing new food to your baby takes time to become evident. Three days is the required minimum time for revealing the food side effects.

During three day time, if your baby suffers from a skin allergy, rashes, redness or other skin related issue stop feeding the new food immediately. Also, consult your paediatrician at the earliest.

  • Keep the baby hydrated

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

Our skin pores get clogged in humid weather conditions. This results in dryness and itching. The skin of the baby is gentle and it needs care. Hydrated skin is soft, moisture and healthy.

Therefore, keep the baby’s skin hydrated with proper intake of water and other fluids. Breastfeed the newborn babies at regular interval of two hours. Breast milk has a high percentage of water which is sufficient to keep the newborns hydrated. Feed other fluids to toddlers even if on breastfeed. Some of the fluids such as curd, coconut water, fruit juice, vegetable soup, lentil soup etc.

Most importantly serve boiled and cooled water to the babies. Because untreated water is contaminated and is harmful to the health of the baby. In humid conditions, many bacteria emerge in the air and water adding to contamination of the food. Therefore, ensure to serve fresh food and treated water to the baby.

  • Keep the baby’s skin moisture

Moisturization prevents dryness and cracking of the skin. The baby’s skin is very gentle and soft. This is the reason for massaging the baby once or twice a day. Important to note that the folded skin near the legs and bottom of newborns are more likely to infect from rashes. Because of no access to air. Therefore, at some time intervals apply coconut oil in a day on the buttocks and legs. This soothes the skin and makes the baby feel comfortable.

  1. How can you treat your baby’s diaper rash? Or What is the treatment for diaper rash?

Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020

Taking precautionary steps will reduce the probability of having the diaper rash in babies to minimal. But the weather conditions in the monsoon is unbearable for the sensitive skin of the babies. The unhygienic and humid atmosphere results in suffering from diaper rash easily. If you notice any signs of diaper rash on the skin don’t panic. Now that you have learnt many things about diaper rash, therefore, start treating it immediately.

As already mentioned the newborns, infants and toddlers are more likely to suffer from diaper rash problem. Therefore, extra care is a must while treating then to avoid other extreme skin problems.

Below is the treatment process for diaper rash in newborns, infants and toddlers.

  • Wash the diaper area with lukewarm water with every change of diaper. If washing is not every time feasible then Gently wipe off the skin using a wet muslin cloth. Wiping helps in cleaning the left out of urine and potty on the buttocks and legs. It is not preferred to use wet wipes on the infected area of rashes.
  • Let the skin to dry for 2 to 3 mins.Causes, Preventions & Treatment | All About Baby Diaper Rash 2020
  • One of the best home remedies to treat the diaper rash is coconut oil. Gently apply the coconut oil all over the bottom, thighs and genital parts of the baby. Coconut oil helps in rehydrating and remoisturizing the skin. It is a natural home remedy and does not have any side effect on the baby’s skin. You can even apply any well-branded natural diaper rash cream on rashes. It is better to consult your paediatrician to prescribe the diaper rash cream for baby. If using diaper rash cream then do not rub it on the rashes. Gently apply it with clean hands.

I used coconut oil while my baby is suffering from diaper rash. It works wonders on the rashes. On its application, the baby feels relaxed and comfortable within a few minutes. Coconut oil is either readily found at home or available in the nearby market.

  • Rubbing or pricking of the rash area is not advisable. Because this will enhance the situation worse.
  • Do not use a diaper for some hours after applying the diaper cream or coconut oil. Cover the area with soft cotton nappy or leave the skin open for 30 mins at least. This helps the skin to breathe and quick absorption of the coconut oil or diaper rash cream. This allows the skin to refresh on coming in contact with air.

Repeat the process 3 times a day for 4 to 5 days regularly. You will notice skin redness and itching starts to decrease as discussed earlier. The diaper rash will soon be healed and comforts the baby.

Hope you have find the above suggestions/experience useful and if I missed something to mention therein, do mention in the comment section below. Your valuable comments will be appreciated. Do share the post for others benefit as SHARING IS CARING.

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