How to Sterilize Baby Feeding Bottles

Time: 5 min read

As a new mother, the very first step is use of feeding bottle to feed the baby. But before its usage, you are surrounded with many queries and one is that Is it needed to sterilize the feeding bottle?. Even the paediatricians are not recommending their usage. They say “No” to the feeding bottle?. The reason for this is that they think parents will not be using a clean and sterilized bottle and thereby affecting the digestive system of the baby. The digestive system and other organs of the baby are still developing and are more easily prone to various infections. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to put stress on the issue of sterilization of the baby feeding bottle.


Clean and sterilized feeding bottle is necessary to avoid any sickness from infection to the baby. General query by the parents is how often is sterilization of feeding bottle is needed. It is simple to understand that after every feed you need to sterilize the bottle or before feeding the baby make sure that the bottle is sterilized. Sterilizing is important to protect the baby from harmful bacteria as his/her immunity system is not strong enough. Some of the health issues of not sterilizing the baby feeding bottle are :

  • Oral/mouth infection
  • Stomach infection
  • Diarrhea
  • Other digestive problem

Following the correct sterilization process can convert the paediatrician “No” into “Yes”. Further, relieve the parents from the stress of having infection to their little one. Further, in this post, I will be providing the step by step sterilization process of the baby feeding bottle. Although I am using the feeding bottle for my little one since the age of 1 month and at the same time making sure to feed with clean and properly sterilized bottle.

There are primarily two ways to sterilize the feeding bottle. They are as under:

  • Use of sterilizer
  • Traditional Method

I am following the first method of sterilization and use the Philips Sterilizer. I am using it for past 1 year and has faced no problem/issues till date. Rather this has made the sterilization process easier, time saving and hygienically safe.

The sterilization process using Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer is as follows: Start the sterilization process by first cleaning the feeding bottle.

  1. First of all, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Clean all the parts of the bottle (body, cap and nipple) with hot water and Pigeon bottle nipple and vegetable liquid cleanser to remove milk stains using Philips Avent cleaning brush.Cleaning of Baby Feeding
  3. Open the cap of the bottle and fill the bottle with hot water and Pigeon liquid cleanser.
  4. Close the cap and shake well so that the liquid cleanser reaches to all corners of the bottle.
  5. Open the bottle and keep all its parts separate.
  6. The bottle nipple is the only part of the feeding bottle that comes in direct contact with the mouth of the baby. The chances of getting mouth infection in the baby increases without the use of a clean bottle nipple. Therefore, it is essential to clean the bottle nipple thoroughly using the back of the brush.

Move the brush in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction to clean the bottle nipple. This is because the brush is designed for this purpose accordingly.

  1. Now clean other parts of the feeding bottle using the brush.
  2. Rinse all the parts of the feeding bottle under the flowing water thoroughly.
  3. Now place all the bottle parts on a clean dry towel or cotton cloth as convenient.
  4. Let the bottle parts dry for some time say 5 mins.
  5. Now we will plug in the Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer.

You can sterilize six feeding bottles at a time in this sterilizer.

  1. Fill water in the sterilizer heating plate up to the mark mentioned therein. However, it is recommended to keep the water in the heating plate slightly above the mark so that the water does not finish during sterilization.
  2. Place the bottle nipple and cap in the upper section and the remaining body part in the lower section of the sterilizer.
  3. Once all the nipple and other parts are placed in their respective sections, cover the sterilizer with lid. Now it is ready to use.
  4. Switch on the plug and push the ON button.
  5. A red light is seen which indicates the sterilization process has started.
  6. When the light automatically gets off i.e after 6 mins it signifies that the sterilization process is completed.
  7. After 15 mins take the bottle parts out and keep it on a clean towel or cotton cloth.
  8. Shake off the excess water and assemble all the bottle parts.
  9. Keep the sterilized bottle in a cool, clean and dark place.
  10. The bottle is now ready to use at any point of time.

It is also necessary to clean the sterilizer in every 2 to 3 days to avoid brown stains on the heating plate . Read the next post for detailed process of cleaning the sterilizer.

Further, in this post, I am discussing another method of sterilization for those who want to follow The Traditional Method.


The sterilization process following Traditional approach is as follows: Start the sterilization process by first cleaning the feeding bottle.

  1. The above 1 to 10 points will be the same regarding the cleaning of the feeding bottle.
  2. Take a big utensil with a capacity of 2 bottles. The utensil should be clean before using.
  3. Place the bottle with all the parts separated in the utensil. Fill it with water so that the bottle is completely drowned.
  4. Place the filled utensil on the gas flame till the water starts boiling.
  5. Once the water gets a boil, simmer the flame and leave the utensil for another 40 mins.
  6. After 40 mins turn off the flame.
  7. Let the bottle cool down.
  8. Take the bottle parts out and keep it on a clean towel or cotton cloth.
  9. Shake off the excess water and assemble all the bottle parts.
  10. Keep the sterilized bottle in a cool, clean and dark place.
  11. The bottle is now ready to use at any point of time.



Important tips

  • Before feeding with the new bottle purchased, sterilize it.
  • Purchase the feeding bottle in bulk quantity. Say I am having 4 bottles at the present time. This helps in:
  • Sterilizing the bottles in one go.
  • The sterilizer which I am using can sterilize 6 bottles at a time. Thereby saving time and electricity.
  • Convenience in carrying sterilized bottles outside to feed the baby.
  • On returning from outside you will get the clean bottle and can feed immediately.
  • Parents often ask for how long the same feeding bottle should be used to feed a baby. It is preferred to use the new bottle for 6 months and the bottle nipple for 3 months and then discard them. This is to reduce the risk of infection and maintain hygiene as the baby digestive system is still developing. For this purpose, you can note the date of purchase and discard them accordingly.


Hope you have find the above suggestions/experience useful and if I missed something to mention therein, do mention in the comment section below. Your valuable comments will be appreciated. Do share the post for others benefit as SHARING IS CARING.

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